High School Students Can Now Take UC Davis for a Test Drive
New Pre-College Program gives high school students a chance to sample the UC Davis experience
Starting this summer, high school students will have the opportunity to "test drive" college. The University of California, Davis is launching the Pre-College Program, a summer residential program that gives high school students the opportunity to explore an academic major, live on campus, meet new people, and collaborate with brilliant educators and researchers. "College is a milestone event for many young adults and choosing the right school and major can be a difficult decision," said Paul M. McNeil, Dean of UC Davis Extension, which administers the program. "The Pre-College Program is a great opportunity for high school students to experience UC Davis and set themselves on a path towards academic success." Incoming college freshmen today are expected to choose an academic major from sometimes more than a hundred options. Often, this important decision is made with limited guidance or information about the subject matter or course requirements. It's not surprising then that 80 percent of college students nationwide change their major at least once before graduating (USA Today, 2015). Students enrolled in the Pre-College Program will benefit from a hands-on learning experience in one of four academic "majors":
"UC Davis is a premier university and a recognized leader in the subject areas featured in this program," said Jessica Loudermilk, Director of the UC Davis Pre-College Program. "And the program faculty are eminent in their fields. The guidance and mentorship they'll provide are an invaluable part of this unique and extraordinary opportunity for students." When they're not hearing lectures from top professors, conducting research or going on career-based field trips, students will be engaged in a variety of social activities—Carnival on the Quad, Movie Night at the Arboretum and bowling at the student union, just to name a few—that will give them a small taste of community life on UC Davis' campus. The program also features a custom-designed leadership and communication curriculum and dedicated college admissions advising to help guide them through the process of selecting a university and major that is right for them. Applications for the UC Davis Pre-College Program are now being accepted. Tuition fees for the program are $5,300, plus $1,600 for housing and dining for students who wish to reside on campus. Limited scholarship opportunities are also available. "Choosing the right college and academic major is one of the most important decisions people will make in their young lives," added Loudermilk. "What better way is there to make an informed decision than to gain some insight into the college admissions process and the academic endeavor while you're still in high school?"