Testimonials from Students Like You

What did you like about the UC Davis Pre-College Program?

"I liked everything about the UC Davis Pre-College Program. The rooming was great. The professors and facilities were great. The field trips we went on were fantastic." — Shawn

"What's best about this Program is that everyone is connected as one. I never felt left out of anything, and it was always just super fun." — Samantha

"Our college advisor was amazing. She gave us tips on testing, on college applications and what to write. We worked on interviews and résumés. Being able to sit down with a college advisor was really helpful to me." — Somandeep (Soman)

"It really felt like college and it was incredible." — Palavi

What did you think of the professors?

"Can I just say how passionate they are about what they do? That's what made us enjoy it [the classes] the most. They were just so passionate and driven about what they did." — Samantha

"[The professors were] very passionate. I could tell all of them loved their jobs, loved what they were doing and they loved teaching us. They wanted us to find what we loved." — Riley

"Dr. Bellone, our veterinary genetics professor, was super good and was able to take her big, complicated research and make it smaller for us to understand." — Lexi

What's one thing you learned or will take away from this experience?

"The thing I'm going to take away from this Program is that research is something that I really want to look into as I go into college, because it was so cool to be able to actually do it and see what these people [professors] actually do for their jobs." — Sera

"For me, it was living on my own. I learned a lot of responsibilities that I didn't have before. And when I go home I'm going to really understand time management and how to deal with things. I think I've become more well-rounded." — Samantha

"I feel like I was exposed to a lot of different sides of science that turns out I'm interested in. I didn't really know veterinary genetics was a field at all and something I could get into. And after being exposed to that, I really feel like it's something I could end up doing with my life." — Paloma

"I took a lot away [from the Program] about my future and it's a good direction into what I want to do for my future career." — Lexi

Would you recommend the UC Davis Pre-College Program to your friends?

"I would absolutely recommend the UC Davis Pre-college Program to my friends. You learn so much and you're really immersed in the college environment. It's definitely the best summer I've had so far." — Shefali

"I would recommend [this Program] to every single one of my friends. I really enjoyed this Program. I feel like anyone who would come here would have a good time. The Pre-College Program prepared me for college." — Soman

"I would recommend this Program to anyone, because they will be coming into direct contact with professors who work on campus and do active research." — Shawn

"I would recommend the UC Davis Pre-college Program, for sure. This is by far the best Program or anything I've ever done. This has made me fall in love with the professors and the campus and everything here. It's perfect." — Riley

"I turned down several other programs to come here, and I'm so glad I did that. I do not regret a single moment here." — Palavi